Sunday, January 2, 2011

Flash Back May 2009: Leg Construction

     Understanding the general concept of  leg construction required consulting several astromech blogs of other notable builders, who have also scratch built their parts, such as Victor Franco, Dan Baker, and Alex Kung, just to name a few.

     Much like most scratch-built items in R2 building, Artoo's outer legs and center ankle are built up of layers of varying thickness using one material or the combination of different materials, whether it be plastic, wood or metal. These layers are specifically arranged so they match the dimensions of the club blue prints. Consulting Victor Franco's leg tutorial , I gained an understanding of how all the layers of  plywood were put together.

Materials & Tools:

Outer Legs / Center Ankle Layers:
   1 -3/4" x 4' x 8' Birch Plywood
   1 -1/2" x 4' x 8' Birch Plywood
   1 -1/4" x 4' x 4' MDF Board
   1 -1/4" x 4' x 4' Hard Board

     Router/ Router Table
   1/2" Router Template Bit (w/ bearing)
   Table saw
   Power Hand Held Drill
   Drill Press
   General Hand Tools: Hammer, Screwdriver, pliers, etc...
   Power Hand Held Jig Saw
   Power Circular Saw
   Power Miter Saw
   Disc/Belt Sander
   Assortment of Sand Paper
   Metal Ruler/Straight Edge
   Digital Caliper
   Compass (to draw circles)
   Assortment of Clamps
   Dremel w/ Router Attachment
   Pneumatic Brad Nailer + Air Compressor
   1 -1000 pack 1 1/4" Pneumatic Brad Nails
   1 -Bottle of Wood Glue
   1 - 1/2-Pint Elmer's E848D12 Carpenter's Wood Filler 
   Several cans of Rustoleum White Spray Primer
   Several cans of Rustoleum Satin White Spray Paint
   1- Can Valspar - Bright Silver Spray Paint
   Most importantly: Eye, Ear and Respiratory Protection
   * I actually used every tool I owned for this part of the project!

Making the Templates

     Two uniquely shaped templates were needed to create the different layers of the legs. There was one for the outer layers and one for the inner layers. The templates had to be as perfect as possible or else the defects would have been replicated in all the layers I made.

Using the dimensions in the club prints, labeled "Assembly Outline Drawing" , I redrew the general outline by hand on a 1/4" MDF board. This one was made particularly for the outer layers.

     A power hand held jigsaw using a fine-cut blade was used to carefully cut the straight portions of the template. When I got to the circular portion (shoulder) I cut a 1/8" margin around the outline because I wanted to use a more accurate method of cutting a perfect half-circle. To achieve this, I created a  jig that allowed me to pivot the template against a disc sander. I did the same for inner leg layer template as well (not shown).

     The results for both templates turned out pretty good. The inner layer template is the one on the left.

Cutting the Layers

     Using a template router bit, I was able to route several copies of all the needed layers for the legs.

     Shown below are all the cut layers used to create one leg. Because Birch plywood is not so common in 1/8" and 1/4" thicknesses, alternatively, I used hardwood board and MDF board, respectively.

     In order to get the "armpits" to spec, the outer layers needed some special attention using a router, Dremel, and wood chisel. 

     The center ankle was made up from a total of four layers: two inner layers of 1/2" Birch plywood  sandwiched between two layers of 3/4" Birch plywood. Since the center ankle was only one unit, no templates were needed. The outlines from the blue prints were just hand-drawn directly on the wood. 

     Just to get an idea how they look at this point, here they are roughly put together with clamps:

     With respect to the blue prints, the curved section of the ankles were made from cutting several segments of  6.0" diameter circles made from 3/4" Birch plywood and then gluing them together.

     Rather than cutting each individual segment one by one, to expedite the process, I screwed together two circles and cut them as one piece. This way, one chop from the miter saw got me two segments.  As you can see, in the pic below, I used a piece of scrap plywood (green arrow) to clamp the circular pieces in place. There was no way I was putting my hand near the blade! Safety comes first!

     The red line you see, in my dimly lit garage, is a laser, which is a an unreliable feature that comes with many of  today's power tools. I say this because you can't even see the laser if you use this outside or with a bright light.

     To make one piece, it took about six segments that were glued and clamped together...

     ...which equated to a total of 24 segments for both legs and center ankle.

     The next day I had to cut a 55 degree angle on each of the curved ankle pieces. This was very tricky, since my cheap miter saw maxed out at 45 degrees. To make the correct cut, I had to create another jig that angled the piece an additional 10 degrees from the horizon. I mounted the jig with a combination of clamps and viola!,  55 degrees.

     Here's how two newly cut pieces looked like.

     After the pieces have been filled, sanded and followed up with a  few coats of  Rustoleum white primer, they were aligned, glued, and secured using a pneumatic brad nailer.

     Here's how they look before the lengthy process of filling and sanding. According to spec, the holes, located in the outer side of the shoulder, were drilled. On the inner side, 1" and 3/4" gas pipe flanges, which will be later used to connect the legs to the frame, were installed. We will visit this process again at another time.

     At this point, the filling-sanding-priming-filling-sanding-priming process began.  Then it was repeated over and over and over again until the wood grain and the surface imperfections were all gone. As they say, patience is a virtue.

     The 3/8" hole near the apex, which supposed to use a 3/8" bolt to connect  to the foot motor mounts, was drilled 1/8" lower than the blue prints called for. This was recommended to eliminate the foot shell-to-ankle clearance problem that builders have experienced when Artoo was in his three-legged stance. ...and what great timing that the newly drilled holes could now double as an ankle joint and a paint drying apparatus!.

     The legs were primed again and finally painted using Rustoleum satin white. They were hung and left to dry in the garage for a week. Also notice the flanges (used for electrical conduit) installed on the outer legs. This flanges will be used later as a way to connect the legs to the body.

Other Details
     According to the blue prints, there is a channeled section located at the angled face of the ankle (green arrow). I simply dug this out with a chisel, then lined the inside with left over styrene from the skins. This great idea came from Victor Franco's leg tutorial

     I purposely made the styrene lining stick out a little past the surface so I could sand it flush. The gaps were later filled and sanded smooth.

     For the "armpits," I used some left over styrene to help patch up a few imperfections that wood filler alone couldn't fix.  At the same rate, it was also used recreate edges that needed to be straightened. I used a wood chisel to remove just enough wood for the styrene patch to sit flush with the surface.

     Using a two-part filler (Bondo) made things go alot quicker as it only took a few minutes before I could begin sanding it.

     After filling, sanding, filling,  and sanding more areas of the leg (it never ends!), primer was applied once again and left to dry for 30 minutes. The entire leg was then immediately painted with Rustoleum satin white (again).

     The following day, the "armpits," were painted with Valspar bright silver. As you can see, the styrene patch really cleaned things up nicely.

     A beautiful detail that I really admire is the thin channel that goes around the periphery of the lower middle section of the leg which is also continuous on another separate piece called the "booster covers" (I will cover this later). In the final product, this channel was painted to simulate "bare metal," which supposed to indicate a metal foundation beneath the white exterior. To accomplish this, the 0.1" wide channel was created by clamping a metal straight edge and using a Dremel with a router attachment adapter with an appropriately sized routing bit. I had to make a few practice runs on a few pieces of scrap wood before I used it on the leg that took so long to make. God forbid I screw that up! After finding the optimal RPM and the optimal speed in which to move the Dremel along the straight edge, I followed through, on each side of the leg, with a steady, continuous pass. It was a scary endeavor, but a successful one.

     Here's how the leg looked with the channel painted with Valspar bright silver.

coming up next...  Cutting The Dome

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Flashback April 2009: Creating the Frame

     Having a garage equipped with power saws and drills used to work on previous home improvement projects led me to decide on building R2-D2's frame out of wood. For this material, I consulted the R2 Builders Club and found a wood frame plan developed by Mike Senna.

     The Senna wood frame plans are a tried and proven design that many builders have used for quite some time. The horizontal supports of the frame are comprised of a circular top and base plate using  3/4" plywood, and five rings (one full ring and four quarter rings), which serves as the "ribs" of R2-D2. The rings were made using 1/2" plywood and form an interlocking pattern with the vertical supports. There are ten of these vertical supports (also called "uprights") which also uses 1/2" plywood, and are strategically spaced around the frame. On both right and left sides of the frame, a vertical plate made from 3/4" plywood, serves as a support system for Artoo's legs. The uprights and  plates are connected together via dado joints and the rings and uprights are connected with notch joints. Got all that? :)

     Because the plans contained large circular drawings, printing the plans spanned on several 8.5" x 11" paper and then joining them like I did with the construction of the skins, would be very difficult. Therefore, I decided just to use the completed skins as a guide for the placement of the uprights and the spacing of the rings, keeping the Senna design in mind.

Materials & Tools:

1 -3/4" x 4' x '8 Birch Plywood*
1 -1/2" x 4' x 8' Birch Plywood*

1 -1/4" x 4' x 4' MDF
1 - 1" x 2" x 8' Furring strip
1 - 2" x 4" x 4' Scrap Lumber

1 -1 pound box 1 1/4" Deck Screws
1 -bottle of Wood Glue
    Router and Router Table
    1/2" Straight Router Bit
    Hand Held Power Jig Saw
    Assortment of Clamps
    Table Saw
    150 Grit Sandpaper
    Hand held Power Drill
    5/8" Countersink Drill Bit
    1/8" Drill Bit
2 -Cans of Cheap Flat Black Spray Paint

* Having a full sized truck to carry those 4'x8' sheets of plywood from the Home Depot really helped! The amount of wood from these sheets is enough to make one frame and a set of legs (which will be covered later).

     Cutting the top and base plates was a straight forward process using a makeshift jig for routing out circles. The jig was simply made by using a small section of MDF board with a hole on one end for the router and a hole on the opposite end, for the screw, which acted as a pivoting point.

     After making sure both circles equaled exactly 18.0" in diameter, I then taped the completed skins around the bottom circle as shown:

     Using the skins as a guide, the location of the 10 uprights were established, indicated by the red arrows. According to the plans, these locations were strategically placed where hinges would be installed for doors and around areas where they would not obstruct openings where greeblies such as center vents, utility arms, large data ports, etc. would be installed. In order for the coin returns, pocket vents, power couplings, and octagon ports to fit, "pockets" needed to be created. These areas were also marked for routing.

     Cutting out the dadoes accurately to install the uprights was in need of jig, so I created another one out of MDF. The jig was nothing more than a board with a screw that attaches to the center of the circle which allowed it to rotate around. The jig also had one edge for the router to follow and second one that served as a stop. This made the process very simple: Rotate, Clamp, and Route.
     In order for the uprights to align correctly, the top plate must be a mirrored copy (this excludes the routered pockets) of the bottom circle. To accomplish this, all I did was place the top circle on top of the completed bottom circle and used the routed area to mark the top circle.
     Please note that the key word here is "mirror," and not duplicate!  If all you did was duplicate another bottom base plate, you will definitely run into major alignment problems. All dadoes and pockets were routed 1/2" deep using a 1/2" straight bit.

     Cutting the ten equally sized uprights was also a straight forward process using the table saw. According to the plans, the uprights varied in length, but since I was figuring out the spacing of the notches myself, I thought it would be more appropriate to cut the uprights to the correct length once its all put together. The side plates were also cut the same length as the uprights and using the ring cutting jig once again, two 18" diameter rings were cut.

      Because the rings and uprights were designed to interlock each other, they both needed to be notched out at the right points. Again, using the base plate as a template, I placed the a ring on top of it and marked the routed sections. This was done again for the second ring.

     To notch the rings, I then used the router table using another clamping jig. The jig was created from two pieces of furring strip screwed to a small 2" x 4" piece of lumber.  A few clamps simply held the whole thing in place and ensured a straight alignment, but most of all, a safe cut.

     The uprights also needed to be notched to interlock with the rings. Using the completed skins as a guide, I verified the locations of notches, which also determined the the spacing between the rings. The spacing was extremely important because the rings should not be placed where it would obstruct potential doors. Moroever, the rings should be placed at the right level to serve as a shelf or holder for the greeblies. Clear as mud? ..thought so.

     Once again, I sought the help of the mighty router table to notch the uprights. For the sake  of reproducibility, I taped and clamped a few of them together, and then routed them as one unit.
     The last pair of items cut is called "shoulder wings." (see the picture below). These are attached to the side plates and act as a structural support to keep the skins cylindrically shaped. For a more specific information, please obtain a copy of the plans yourself through the R2 Builders Club as this article is not a step by step procedure.


     There were alot of modifications I had to make in order to be consistent with the wood plans such as shortening some of the uprights to accomodate the legs, utility arms and large data port. Also, a rectangular opening was cut out on the base plate to accomodate his front foot and a circular opening was cut out on the top plate to allow access to his droid "guts."

     Most builders glue the frame, which makes a permanent bond, but I decided instead to use a mixture of 1 1/4" and 2" deck screws to hold everything in place. I went this route because just in case I messed something up along way, anything that needed replacement would be simple. To accept the screws without splitting the plywood layers, the frame was carefully predrilled and the screws were counter-sunk so it did not interfere with the skins.

     ...and here it is with a fresh coat of flat black paint! Ain't she a "beaut!"

After few weekends and many week nights of annoying the neighbors with the whining sound of power tools and the smell of freshly routed saw dust in the air, they finally got a break. ...that was until I started working on R2-D2's legs...muahaha!.

Coming up next... Leg Construction